Providing superior member value is the reason Logix exists. Value comes in many forms, and as another successful year comes to a close, I’d like to detail some of the plans in place to deliver superior member value in 2018.
Unlike recent years, a portion of this value will not come in the form of a special member dividend, and that change warrants explanation.
In each of the last five years, Logix has paid this special dividend to members, with payment amounts varying based on account balances maintained by each qualifying member. The total amount returned to members was more than $23 million. While we were proud to give back in this way, we feel investing capital in other areas will ultimately improve member satisfaction to a greater degree in 2018 and beyond.
Logix maintains a capital (net worth) level that ranks among the highest of all U.S. financial institutions. When we first decided to use this capital to pay a “Loyalty Dividend,” senior management engaged in robust debate about whether a special dividend was the best use of those funds, and in the best long-term interests of our members.
Some argued we ought to instead improve our everyday product value by increasing deposit rates and decreasing loan rates. Others argued we should instead make greater investments in systems that make it easier for members to do business with us, while others felt we should simply continue to operate with a very high level of capital, as increased security against unforeseen future financial hazards.
Ultimately, we chose to pay a Loyalty Dividend (later to be renamed “Relationship Dividend”) because it seemed to represent the most obvious way we could return value to members. However, as times change and our members’ needs in terms of online services, branch availability, information security, digital account access, and rate sensitivity change along with them, so too must our decisions as they pertain to returning value.
Based on this understanding, we have outlined opportunities to provide excellent value to members, and to do so in a way that encourages members to increase their relationship and to refer others to us.
We evaluate the option of a dividend annually. This year, we believe these investments comprise the best possible use of any surplus capital that Logix may enjoy, and we hope you’ll find the long-term benefits of a stronger credit union preferable to a dividend payment.