
Enable Card Notifications in the Logix Mobile Banking App

Written by Maria Espinosa | 10/17/2023

In the ever-evolving world of digital banking, the Logix Mobile Banking App continues to stand out with its array of features. Among these is the much-needed Card Notifications feature, which provides a seamless way to stay updated on your debit and credit card activity, ensuring you never miss a beat. 

Card Notifications, also known as card alerts, have been a staple feature of our mobile app for some time now. They provide a convenient way to stay informed about your card transactions and swiftly address any anomalies. You'll want to start by ensuring that your mobile phone is configured to receive notifications from our app. Go to your phone's settings, tap on "Notifications" and locate the Logix Mobile Banking App. Be sure to allow notifications and follow the steps below.

For iPhone users:  

If you use an Android device, the process will vary slightly. Start by logging in to the Logix Mobile Banking App and tap the menu icon in the top left corner of your screen. Select "More," then "Manage Cards." Find the "Card Notification" under the card image, and check the box for Card Notifications and tap "Update" to save your preference. 

Please note that Card Notifications are specific to the account you most recently logged into through the app. For more information or any questions you may have, please visit our FAQ here. Stay informed and enjoyed the added peace of mind that Card Notifications can provide.