
Logix Supports Make a Blanket Day – March 2

Written by Logix | 2/27/2024

SCV Project Linus continues to provide support to the community through its many blankets its Chapter Coordinator Sharon Garvar and her students at Academy of the Canyons (AOC) share with local youth. This group is hosting its biannual Make a Blanket Day (MABD), sponsored by Logix Federal Credit Union, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at College of the Canyons East Gym.

Participants will have to purchase fleece in advance; scissors and seam rippers will be made available to create the knot-free blankets. For those who would like to drop off blankets made at home, they can follow guidelines on how to make blankets.

Students look forward to completing service hours with this opportunity; the sign-up sheet details requirements.

“We are absolutely thrilled to be together, making blankets for our community,” Garvar said. “Our students are so excited to be making a difference. They are responsible for quality control, publicity, operations, training and more to ensure we are successful in meeting our goal to bring hope and comfort to children and families.”

Logix has been a sponsor of MABD since 2018.

“We’re celebrating a six-year partnership with SCV Project Linus,” Community Relations Manager Alethia Calagias said. “These students work hard and are dedicated to making sure that each blanket is crafted with care. Every child who receives a blanket feels loved and cared for, which is truly priceless.”

This local nonprofit continues to give blankets to Henry Mayo Hospital for the NICU, Penny Lane Centers (Antelope Valley),  and other charities. For more SCV Project Linus information and to donate, visit Click here to register to participate.


Please contact Logix at (800) 328-5328 or visit if you have any questions about this topic or would like to consider opening an account. 

Logix Smarter Banking is a registered trademark of Logix Federal Credit Union. 

Logix Federal Credit Union is not affiliated with and is a separate entity from SCV Project Linus and the charitable organizations supported by SCV Project Linus.