'Tis the Season for a Mid-Year Money Checklist

As summer hits its stride, the idea of financially preparing for the holidays might feel like overkill. Consider this: money is the most cited source of stress during the holidays, with 58% of US adults worrying about overspending or not having enough money.

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5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Our financial situation can cause stress any time of the year, but the holidays can be particularly challenging. Fortunately, with a little advanced planning there are options to turn that stress into joy. From setting a realistic holiday spending plan, to creative gift alternatives such as handmade items or shared experiences, you can enjoy the season with greater ease and minimize the stress often associated with overspending.

Here are five tips designed to give you less stress and more joy this holiday season:

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Safeguard Yourself Against Student Loan Scams

As fall arrives, millions of borrowers are resuming their monthly student loan payments. But unfortunately, students aren’t the only individuals with money on their mind. If you’re a student or graduate, it's crucial to be aware of online scammers looking to profit. Here are some strategies for protecting yourself and your finances.

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Mid-Year Money Checkup: 5 Ways to Boost Your Financial Health

Summer is in full swing and so is peak travel season. And while July is a prime time to get outdoors and cash in on any plans you may have, whether at home or beyond, the reality is that financial concerns (and recent credit interest rate spikes) remain a pain point for many of us.

Here are five steps to take to boost your financial health and reduce your worries this summer.

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Show Me the Money: 5 Ways to Demystify Finance for Your Kids

In celebration of Financial Literacy Month, we'd like to offer up five suggestions on how to make money a fun, applicable, hands-on topic for the youngest members of your household. While many of us view children and finance through the lens of what we’re spending, we don’t often consider the power of our own example.

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