'Tis the Season for a Mid-Year Money Checklist

As summer hits its stride, the idea of financially preparing for the holidays might feel like overkill. Consider this: money is the most cited source of stress during the holidays, with 58% of US adults worrying about overspending or not having enough money.

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5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Our financial situation can cause stress any time of the year, but the holidays can be particularly challenging. Fortunately, with a little advanced planning there are options to turn that stress into joy. From setting a realistic holiday spending plan, to creative gift alternatives such as handmade items or shared experiences, you can enjoy the season with greater ease and minimize the stress often associated with overspending.

Here are five tips designed to give you less stress and more joy this holiday season:

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Debt Consolidation With a Personal Loan

Recent research from the Filene Research Institute, a thought leader in the Credit Union Movement, has revealed that “more than half of Americans revolve on their credit balances, deflating their credit scores and depleting their savings, especially when they prolong their indebtedness by making smaller monthly payments than they could.

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Set ‘Em and Forget ‘Em: Four Financial Resolutions You Can Accomplish Now

New Year’s resolutions are a mixed bag for many of us. On the one hand: personal betterment! On the other hand: methodical auditing of our refrigerator, checking account, and various vices. On the cusp of a fresh calendar year, we feel compelled to immediately transform our lives, but— as is the case with most good things— change takes time. This is especially true when it comes to financial goals. And in the aftermath of steep holiday spending, our goalposts can feel...far away.
If you want a few financial resolutions that you can achieve early into the new year (because who doesn’t love an easy to-do list?) here are some suggestions.

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Make a New Year’s Resolution That Sticks!

Are you ready for a powerful New Year’s resolution?

Eliminating debt, learning new spending habits, or building savings are choices that can change your life. They can affect your entire wellbeing – from stress levels, to physical and mental health. The new year is a great time to commit to your financial health.

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