What things cost in 1937

We're 80! What did things cost in 1937, the year we were born?

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Over Do It This Holiday?

In more ways than one, it’s easy to over do it during the holiday season. You can get wrapped up in the spirit, throw caution to the wind and before you know it you’ve polished off a plate of cookies and blown through your holiday shopping budget. Between gifts, holiday parties, and perhaps working fewer hours, it’s easy for debt to add up, especially if you were in a tight spot before the holiday season.

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How to maximize your year-end bonus or raise

So you got a year-end bonus or raise? Right on. It’s tempting to think of this money as extra cash, especially if you got a bonus. The name itself implies extra. But before you get any fancy ideas about how to spend it, let’s talk about how you can maximize your financial windfall.

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