Since mid-March, many of us have found ourselves in the unique position of working, teaching, playing, eating, crafting, learning and just plain staying at home. If you’re anything like me, the more time you’ve spent at home, the more things you’ve noticed need fixing around your house.
For example, every time I sit at my dining room table (which currently doubles as a home office) I can’t help but stare at the light switch that is connected to absolutely nothing and has served no purpose other than taking up valuable real estate on our wall since the day we bought our house.
That light switch is just one of many projects I’ve added to my home improvement to-do list that’s been created during the last two months in quarantine. The list grows lengthier the longer I stay at home. Some of the big fixer-upper items include a new garage door, repairing a broken door jamb, putting recessed lighting in our living room, and installing an outdoor ceiling fan to keep us cool out on the patio.
While one or two of these items might be feasible on their own, I’m not ready to drain our savings to cross them all off the list at once. So, I’m exploring options like credit cards, Home Equity Lines of Credit and personal loans to help finance these projects.
For something as small as a new ceiling fan, I can easily charge that on my Logix Platinum Rewards credit card knowing that I’ll pay that off in a month or two. (Bonus: Did somebody say rewards?) However, for some of these bigger endeavors that I don’t dare tackle as a DIY, it might be more appropriate to take advantage of the equity in our home to cover our expenses.
It’s exciting to think of all the fun projects you could accomplish around your homestead if you had a little extra money to spend. A few easy upgrades could convert your bathroom into a home spa. Or, create an oasis for your family right in your backyard with some fresh landscaping. Even if you’re looking at a major home renovation, with interest rates as low as they are, now might be a great time to look into a HELOC.
Let’s say you’re among those who have been expedited into the role of a telecommuter. If you’re lucky enough to have a room in your home that legitimately serves as a home office, kudos to you. If you’re like the rest of us, you rely on clever Zoom backgrounds to conceal the mess behind you while virtually meeting with your team from the comfort of your bed.
Now, let’s imagine you’ve just been told this telecommuting scenario isn’t as temporary as originally planned. If you’re going to be working from home for any extended period of time, you’re going to need a true home office where you can concentrate without your four-legged coworker sprawling across your keyboard. (Again.)

Getting a HELOC could allow you to convert a corner of your house into the workstation of your dreams. Add some built-ins to that bonus space upstairs. Section off a portion of your garage for desk space and install a window for fresh air. Close off that small play room with a new set of French doors and lay claim to it as your own personal work space – no kids allowed.
Go ahead, dream big. After all, who knows what the future will bring to your workplace? You might be wearing yoga pants – or whatever your preferred work-from-home attire may be -- for months to come.
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