Logix "Blanketeers" & Giving Back to SCV Project Linus

Project Linus

Earlier this year, we shared that October 8th will be our inaugural Community Day.  Logix staff will be supporting SCV Project Linus by making 200 blankets that will comfort children who are ill, traumatized or otherwise in need.  The SCV Project Linus chapter was formed in 2013.  Many of their “blanketeers” are students from local high schools, who donate completed blankets to several nonprofits throughout the area, including Henry Mayo, located in Santa Clarita.  We're grateful for the opportunity to help.

The blanket-making basics are fairly straightforward.  It starts with purchasing fleece to size.  From there, the fleece is taped and cut, prepped for the tassels that are made along the edges.  Tape, scissors, a sweetly-patterned fleece, and awesome attitude are all that’s needed for Logix staff to become blanketeers on our day of giving back.  We're so elated to take part that we've held staff workshops to sharpen our blanket-making skills.  


Robix PinYou can join us in making a difference as well!  For the month of September, visit any Logix branch location and with a minimum donation of $5, you’ll receive this limited edition Robix pin.

Donations from pin sales will be used to purchase fleece and blanket-making supplies for SCV Project Linus.  Your donation will help comfort a child in need.

Want to roll up your sleeves and participate?  Sign up to volunteer on September 22 at Make a Blanket Day in Santa Clarita.

TOPICS: Community Stars

Meet the blogger

Kayleen Kavanagh

Kayleen Kavanagh

Kay started with Logix in early 2009 and has held a few different member service roles. She enjoys sharing her positive learning experiences with hopes that we can all continue down the path of smarter banking.