2016 Logix Loyalty Dividend FAQ

Q: How was the 2016 Logix Loyalty Dividend calculated?

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Logix Announces $5M Loyalty Dividend

Today, Logix will return $5 million to the people who helped us earn it.

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A Letter from our CEO: Tapping the Brakes to Avoid Excessive Growth

When I arrived at LFCU in 1989 as CFO, the Credit Union had roughly 100,000 members.  When I left briefly in 1993, LFCU had roughly 100,000 members; and when I returned to LFCU in 2001 as CEO, we still had roughly 100,000 members.  In fact, from the late 1980s until 2010, the credit union’s total member population remained relatively constant, at about 100,000.

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The Money Value of Time

In my Finance 101 class, my teacher taught us about the time value of money, also known as “present discounted value.” The general concept is this: the money in your change jar is worth more today than it will be tomorrow because it has opportunity to earn that extra day of interest. The time value of money is, for example, why the government loves sending you a tax refund. They know that you’ve loaned them free money each month, so any interest they gained could have been yours.  

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