What is "Smarter Banking" Anyway?

We should clarify a bit of confusion about our tagline, "smarter banking." We aren’t a bank. We never have been a bank, and we never will be a bank. You see “smarter banking” in our tagline, because, quite simply, that’s what we offer.

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Win $733.70 every week. Get $5 per registration. Stop Fraud.

Ready to win? It's you vs. the bad guys, and we like you much better. So for the next 6 weeks, we'll be taking money out of their pockets and putting it back into yours.

Each instance of card fraud costs Logix about $366.85. That's $366.85 we can't use to fund loans, reduce fees, increase deposit rates, hire contact center staff, or add to dividends. Every time card fraud is successfully committed, it directly impacts our ability to help our members. Worse yet, it is $366.85 to help fraudsters stay in business.

Let's take money out of their pockets and get it back in member pockets where it belongs!

For the next 6 weeks, Logix will be selecting a member who is helping us fight fraud by using the Logix Card Manager app to win DOUBLE the $366.85 we lose with each instance of card fraud. That's $733.70 every week until August 28th. PLUS, every new Logix Card manager registrant will automatically get a $5 payout.

If you're ready to register and win, all while helping support a healthy credit union and put fraudsters out of business, simply click the links below to download the app or learn more about it.

To set up Card Alerts in seconds, simply click one of these icons to get started.



NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN THIS SWEEPSTAKES. Odds of winning, 6 in 70,000.Click here to see the official rules.

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The Richest Man in Babylon - A book review by our CEO, Dave Styler

Our CEO’s column in our employee newsletter, Logix Out Loud, is always an enjoyable read. Usually it is filled with big happenings at Logix, ideas for providing great service, or insights about how the credit union is doing. This month, Dave used his column to tell our staff about one of his favorite books, “The Richest man in Babylon.” The financial advice in the book is timeless, and certainly worth sharing with our members. Here’s Dave’s post to our staff:

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We Welcome Your Feedback

For many years, we've invited influencers of the credit union - the people who cared the most about our success - to participate in a program called Inner Circle. This forum was a precursor to social media as we know it, and served the same function: it allowed us to interact with members who care about our brand and explore ideas with them which would build a stronger future for our credit union. 

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2016 Predictions - Updates from our CEO on Logix 2016 Initiatives


I’ve never been good at predicting election outcomes, although I did correctly call Ronald Reagan’s 1980 victory over Jimmy Carter (not particularly impressive, as virtually everyone except Carter knew Reagan would win in a landslide).  I also know from experience that it’s a bad idea to use a company communication forum to discuss political issues, let alone to predict the outcome of hotly contested elections.

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