How to Travel on a Budget

Traveling is the new luxury and experiences are being commodified and sold through pictures online. Whether you’re making six figures or just starting out, you should always create a budget for your travels. The budget is relative. It’s relative to what you earn and how much you spend in other areas of your life.

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An RV Park Destination Awaits You

Smell that?  That’s the sweet, sweet smell of the open road.  Freedom from your everyday obligations, adult responsibilities, and diet rules.  Temporarily…let’s not get crazy, bills still need to be paid and that kale isn’t going to eat itself.  All that negativity aside, there’s a road trip adventure awaiting you!  North, south, east, or west – no road map is needed here.  Plus, you likely have GPS already, just in case ;).  When the open road is on your horizon, do visions of a shiny RV dance in your head?  Mine too.  Herding the fam into the RV is the prime travel cliché, but for some, the cost-benefits may be the reason behind it.  Driving motorhomes or hauling travel trailers offer not only the capacity to bring that “home essence” on vacation, but can also be a more affordable way of traveling, considering the average rate of hotel rooms for the family. 

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Rev up the RV – 5 Easy & Affordable Road Trip Games

With the sun hanging out longer these days, the drive to start planning road trips revs up.  Whether a weekend getaway, or week-long affair, there are plenty of destinations gearing up to make your itinerary a memorable one.  Maybe you’ve hit up a few friends to join, told the kids they have no choice but to tag along, or decided on a road trip party-of-one; loading up your RV gets you one step closer to the open road.  For RV destinations near or far, there will no doubt be plenty of hours and mileage on the road.  Road trips, though exciting, can also be long…really long.  Games are a great way to add delight to the adventure, while also preventing boredom from settling in.  So, dust off the ol' RV and let's hit the road!  Don't have an RV, but are warming up to the idea of one?  Hitch a ride over here to learn about our RV loan options.

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Saving a Penny a Day Could Pay for Your Next Vacation!

Once again, it’s a new year. As we all begin to ponder on our new year’s resolutions and how to actually stick to it this year, I thought I would offer some advice before it’s too late. If your New Year’s resolution is like mine, to save money for whatever the purpose, this is any easy way to do so.

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