The Reason We Interview Our Members

We ask our members a lot of questions, and for good reason. For starters, it’s easier! The "interviews" you Robix uses MicroNotestake after your online banking session or on your mobile phone remove the "one size fits all" hassle of traditional advertising and help us get members the products they need, when they need them. The average interview takes only about 12 seconds whereas a typical banner ad involves navigating 3 to 4 landing pages that can take more than a minute. That’s an extra 48 seconds you can spend watching cat videos on YouTube! We value members’ time, so we try to simplify the online listening process as much as we can.

Since a lot of our members can’t find time in their busy schedules to make branch visits (and yes, our concierges are starting to get lonely!), interviewing also enables us to gather exact feedback about member wants – the kind of stuff we used to learn about you during your conversations at the branch. By asking questions and tailoring our advice and offers around member responses, we can effectively mirror valuable in-branch interactions and give each members a more personal banking experience. 

Furthermore, interviews let members tell us about major life events in advance, so we can do a better job of helping them get ahead on what they need. Whether it’s moving, buying a car, or welcoming a little one, planning ahead can dramatically reduce the stress of financial service shopping during a life event--just imagine being called up to sign life insurance paperwork while you’re in the hospital delivery room! The point is, life happens, and interviews help us be there for you every step of the way!  We think that’s smarter banking...


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