Beware of Suspicious Activity

Pop Quiz! Test your digital payment safety smarts.

Q: If a person texts, and says they’re with Logix and need you to send money
to yourself with Zelle® to reverse a payment, what do you do?

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Look Out for the Romance Scam

The Romance Scam is one of the most utilized methods of targeting victims for financial gain. Unfortunately, the targets of these scams are once again the elderly, specifically those who have been widowed. Although there are different variations of this scam, here is a very common scenario.

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Beware of Scams, Fraudsters

During this unique situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there are people who try to take advantage of an already chaotic situation. At Logix Federal Credit Union, we’re here to help you, providing resources to keep you informed.

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Credential Stuffing Key Reason To Have Unique Passwords For Every Account

Did you hear it was Amazon Prime Day not long ago? If you didn’t, it really caused some people to be frustrated. In fact, many comments were posted on Amazon’s Facebook page about hurried consumers who couldn’t purchase their coveted prizes during this time because the website was slow, crashed, or just did something to prevent them. Well, according to a report from the security firm Shape Security, hackers may have helped cause the problems.

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Stay Alert of This Tax Scam

‘Tis the season for gift card purchases. They’re great for friends, family, and co-workers; pretty much anyone likes receiving one as a present, but there are two groups who don’t want gift cards: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA).

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