The Richest Man in Babylon - A book review by our CEO, Dave Styler

Our CEO’s column in our employee newsletter, Logix Out Loud, is always an enjoyable read. Usually it is filled with big happenings at Logix, ideas for providing great service, or insights about how the credit union is doing. This month, Dave used his column to tell our staff about one of his favorite books, “The Richest man in Babylon.” The financial advice in the book is timeless, and certainly worth sharing with our members. Here’s Dave’s post to our staff:

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Don't EVER put these four things on a credit card.

Contrary to popular belief, using a credit card to make purchases instead of cash can be a very healthy practice - especially if you don't carry a balance and you use a rewards credit card like our Platinum Rewards MasterCard. But there are four things nobody should ever put on a credit card:

Electromagnets: Electromagnets can damage the magnetic strip on your credit card, rendering them useless except in cases where the number is manually entered. (Such as an Amazon purchase.)

Other people's names: In the signature strip on the back of your card, never put another person's name or doodles of any sort. This space should be reserved for your own signature and other markings are not advisable.

White hot molten metal: As with the electromagnet, white hot molten metal (such as the kind one finds in steel mills or the volcanic planet Mustafar from Star Wars III) should not be put on a credit card except in dire circumstances, and NEVER while in your pocket. (Am I right, Brian?) The card will likely melt causing damage to the card or extreme pain if it touches the skin.

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Open Season: Thoughts on Tax Time

Occasionally, Logix will invite members of the community to contribute to our blog. These guest posters bring unique perspective to financial subject matter, but the opinions expressed may or may not represent those of Logix.

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