Protect Yourself When Paying P2P

"Sorry, I don't have any cash. Can you spot me, man?" is so early 2000's.

With the introduction of peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, friends and family can no longer use the excuse of being cashless to avoid repaying borrowed funds or receiving goods without paying for them in full. Logix members use P2P payment apps like Venmo, Paypal, and Zelle®, which allow users to send and receive cash instantly using their linked bank accounts.

But whenever money changes hands, you can be sure a scammer is hoping to get in on the action. So, stay alert to the below crazy schemes designed to steal money from any of your preferred payment platforms or methods.

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A Letter From Our CEO: Summer 2021 Updates

Dear Valued Members,

As our economy reopens, many of us will make up for lost time by spending on the experiences we’ve missed out on in the past 16 months. A return to normal includes travel, concerts, dining at restaurants and family reunions. I recently read that as many as 70% of Americans are planning at least one post-COVID splurge purchase and that 60% of Americans are planning to spend more on vacations. Naturally, it made me think about how Logix can help our members spend wisely and emerge from the pandemic financially well. After all, providing members with superior value and trusted advice is the reason Logix exists.


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Logix Awarded Forbes America’s Best-In-State Credit Unions 2021

We’re good at giving credit, and humbled to receive it.

Seriously, we wouldn’t have been voted Forbes’ Best-in-State Credit Union if you weren’t so awesome. Fewer than 1% of credit unions can say they’ve been voted Forbes’ Best-in-State Credit Union every single year since its inception. Logix is only strong and successful due to our amazing members. Thank you for your trust, your membership, and your belief in the power of Smarter Banking!

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Finding the Right Lender

For most, the home-buying process can be a stressful journey. Finding the right lender can be the difference between lumbering along a bumpy road and a smooth ride leading straight to your dream home.

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Navigating by the the Stars

A long time ago, before GPS was readily at hand on smartphones and built into vehicles, travelers used the stars to navigate their way. The night sky was their guide, and clusters of stars, known as constellations, sent friendly winks to explorers, leading them to their journey's end. Tales of their adventures, and their glittering guides, spread across the land, allowing others to follow their path and enjoy voyages of their own.

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