In celebration of Financial Literacy Month, we'd like to offer up five suggestions on how to make money a fun, applicable, hands-on topic for the youngest members of your household. While many of us view children and finance through the lens of what we’re spending, we don’t often consider the power of our own example.
Online Banking: How to Transfer Funds Between Logix Accounts
Did you know that you can easily transfer funds between your Logix accounts? Whether you want to make a payment by transferring funds to your loan or move money from one share to another, you can do so in your Logix Online Banking account. Simply follow the steps below to get started. If you are looking to transfer funds between different Logix accounts, click here to jump to this section.
Whether you’re looking for a houseplant, a coffee table, or a new gaming console, online marketplaces can be great places to start. But be careful. Anonymous listings and virtual transactions are ripe for online marketplace scams, which can take a variety of forms.
Keep Calm and Credit Union: Born to Thrive Amid Market Uncertainty
Many members came to #creditunions chasing a great rate, not realizing that they are taking part in something larger and more important – especially during times of economic uncertainty. So, while every company that has your email address wrote you last week about the safety of your account, I’d like to tell you why the one from your credit union might be worth a second look.
After all, you own the place.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire... When You Retire?
We’d like to introduce you to compound interest. It’s a simple principle that works consistently in practice. When you invest, your investment starts to earn money. Then the gains it accumulates also start to earn money and your initial investment can snowball very quickly.