What Is an UTMA?

If you are looking to provide your children with a financial boost for their future, you might want to explore the benefits of opening an account that offers the flexibility to align the funds with their goals. A Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) savings account might be precisely what you need.

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Staying Organized With eBills

Yearning for a little bit of order in your life?  When days are hectic and your brain is maxed out, having a tool that reminds you to pay your bills (or, pays your bills automatically) can be a huge relief. 

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Preventing Card Fraud: Freeze/Unfreeze Your Card in the Mobile App

Year after year, reports of debit and credit card fraud and associated financial losses continue to rise. As scammers become more skilled and sophisticated with their schemes, individuals need to enhance their digital security. So, how do you stay ahead of the game, you ask? Well, with the right knowledge and tools, of course. One powerful weapon is the ability to freeze or unfreeze your card using the Logix Mobile Banking app.

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Deposit Checks On the Go

With the advancements in technology, mobile banking apps offer simple and time-saving solutions for various services, including depositing checks on the go. Whether you're at home or in the office, the Logix Mobile Banking app* provides the power of banking right at your fingertips. Gone are the days of making trips to your local branch or waiting in line for a check deposit!

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Customizable Text & Email Alerts in Online Banking

Anxiously waiting for a deposit to be made on your account? Sure, you could check your account balance several times a day by logging in to your Online Banking account or through the Logix Mobile app, but there’s an easier way - text and email alerts. 

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