Pros and Cons of an Auto Lease Buyout

The termination date on your auto lease agreement is fast approaching. Where has the time gone? It's been less than 36 months, and it's already time to decide if you want to continue the relationship. You didn't think you could get so attached. Walking away - it's just too much to bear.

Okay, maybe it's not that dramatic. But turning in the keys to your leased vehicle isn't easy if you've fallen in love with its high MPG, its reliability, or the way the driver's seat molds perfectly to your form. Or, maybe you can't bear to break up with those low monthly payments that come with leasing a vehicle.

No matter what you decide, your future will be affected. So weigh these pros and cons to help determine if it makes financial sense for you to buy out your car lease.

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A Letter From Our CEO: Summer 2021 Updates

Dear Valued Members,

As our economy reopens, many of us will make up for lost time by spending on the experiences we’ve missed out on in the past 16 months. A return to normal includes travel, concerts, dining at restaurants and family reunions. I recently read that as many as 70% of Americans are planning at least one post-COVID splurge purchase and that 60% of Americans are planning to spend more on vacations. Naturally, it made me think about how Logix can help our members spend wisely and emerge from the pandemic financially well. After all, providing members with superior value and trusted advice is the reason Logix exists.


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Logix Awarded Forbes America’s Best-In-State Credit Unions 2021

We’re good at giving credit, and humbled to receive it.

Seriously, we wouldn’t have been voted Forbes’ Best-in-State Credit Union if you weren’t so awesome. Fewer than 1% of credit unions can say they’ve been voted Forbes’ Best-in-State Credit Union every single year since its inception. Logix is only strong and successful due to our amazing members. Thank you for your trust, your membership, and your belief in the power of Smarter Banking!

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How to Raise Financially Healthy Kids

As a parent, you may be wondering how you can set your children up for financial success? Here are some tips that will show you how to raise financially healthy kids.

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Home Appraisals

After much time and research, you've done it - you've found your dream home. Now that your offer has been accepted and your lender has already pre-approved you, it is time for the home appraisal. But how much is the home worth? That’s the question at the heart of an appraisal. Home appraisals find out if the asking price is different than the actual value of the property. The value of the property will determine what the lender will loan you.

An appraisal is the expert opinion that defines the value of a property. But why is the lender so interested in the home appraisal, you may ask? A home appraisal protects the lender by using the home as collateral for the loan, making sure that their investment is indeed, worth the amount that they loan to a borrower. It also helps you  not only to understand what the state of the home is, but it protects you from paying too much for a home.

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