Smarter Ways to Spend Less During the Holidays

New toys, tech, and other gifts are fun to receive during the holidays, but they don’t come cheap. Add seasonal travel, decorations, and festive meals, and it's easy to see why many households find themselves with thousands of dollars of holiday debt after the season has passed. Don’t let this happen to you!

Get comfortable and snuggle up to these tips that could prevent you from waking up to holiday debt come the new year.

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How to Set Up MoneyMover

Did you know you can transfer funds between Logix and accounts you have with other financial institutions? It's all possible with Online Banking and our easy-to-use service MoneyMover.

MoneyMover is a convenient way to make loan payments, add to your savings account, cover a large purchase and more. And, the best thing about MoneyMover is it's FREE. Did you know other places like Bank of America charge $3 for transfers to other financial institutions? Yikes, that can get expensive.

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Saving Money this Holiday Season

"♫ ♫ Fa-la-la-la-laaaa-la-laaa-laaa ♫ ♫" 

'Tis the season to be jolly...even if you can't carry a tune. But, when you don't have enough cash to pay for holiday expenses, it may not be as easy to enjoy the season. Don't worry - you can still participate in all the yuletide fun, even on a tight budget.

Here are some clever ways to join in on all the merry-making festivities, even if you sound "pitchy".

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Six Money Hacks to Keep Your Savings Afloat

Sometimes managing your finances is like trying to keep an oversized beach ball under water because, no matter how hard you try to show it who's boss, it keeps popping back up. Focusing on just one small tactic could make your budgeting struggles drift away so that you can spend valuable time enjoying the waves of life. 

Here are some simple money hacks that can help you make a splash.

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Five Steps to Strengthen Your Financial Muscles

Getting your financial goals in shape requires discipline and determination. Credit card debt, economic challenges, and a competitive labor market are just a few factors that can challenge how you think about your particular financial situation. The question is, how can you improve your financial fitness? You can start your mindful monetary practices with the steps below so you can tone up your financial well-being.

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