Smarter Banking Getting Smarter - A Message from Our CEO

Dear Valued Members,

2020 has been an extraordinary year for Logix with many opportunities brought on by the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic. I’m proud of our employees and leadership team for demonstrating remarkable teamwork during this time and staying true to our mission: helping our members thrive. We deferred loan payments for over 16,000 members to help them make ends meet. We paid some of the highest deposit yields in the nation despite environmental rates hitting all-time lows. We scaled our operations to meet unprecedented mortgage demand, significantly reducing monthly mortgage payments for thousands of our members.

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How does Logix set rates?

For starters, Logix is a not-for-profit cooperative, so earnings are returned to members through better rates, lower fees, improved services, and increased reserves to maintain unmatched financial strength. We really do want to earn your business! Please read on to learn more about how we set rates for some of our most popular accounts.

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Top 10 Ways Remote Work Could Change Home Buying and Selling

Has your organization recently switched to a remote work environment? Is your dining room table now a desk? You are not alone. 

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Paying with a Purpose - Hope for Hospitals

In June, your Logix Mastercard® credit and debit card purchases helped us raise funds for four local nonprofits serving our branch communities with food services. With your help, we reached our fundraising goal and delivered $5,000 to each of the organizations.

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