We would all love to know ahead of time about upcoming bills. It would be the easiest thing in the world to plan or save for things if we knew every single expense that was coming down the pike. While some of us wouldn’t save for a known future, most would. It’s the unknown that gets you. And it can be, frankly, terrifying to know how little control we ultimately have. For example, an unexpected job loss because the whole company gets sold. Something like that generally has almost nothing to do with your performance (unless you’re in the C-suite, and then you have a whole other set of stresses), but it can have a big impact on your day to day finances.
Punny Money
Monday, November 28, 2016
Understanding the value of purchasing things that make you feel good.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
The sun is going to someday expand to swallow the earth. Literally everything we’ve ever known will disappear. I try and remember this when I’m considering a purchase.
Should I buy this?: When the angel and the devil on your shoulder are both making pretty good points.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
There’s an old saying about arguments that if you are in one, you’ve already lost. By the time tempers are flared and positions are chosen, both sides tend to dig in, and it’s too late to find any meaningful compromise.