Balancing Your Checking Account

If you don’t have a system in place for balancing your checking account, beyond mentally deducting each bill payment, please read on.   There’s an easy and quick way of doing so in your Logix online banking account. 

This is a test.  Can you identify what's pictured in the image below?

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New Twist On The Popular Tech Support Scam Has Surfaced

Phishing attacks are always evolving and trying to force us into ignoring our own good sense. A common attack is the infamous technical support scam. Historically, this involved a phone call from someone claiming you need help with your computer, an email message that directed users to fake sites where malware was installed, or a fake tech support popup message requesting payment card numbers. While those are still common, Microsoft researchers have discovered a new play on this scam.

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How to Travel on a Budget

Traveling is the new luxury and experiences are being commodified and sold through pictures online. Whether you’re making six figures or just starting out, you should always create a budget for your travels. The budget is relative. It’s relative to what you earn and how much you spend in other areas of your life.

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A Consumer's Guide to Mail Theft Prevention

As the holidays draw near, it becomes more common to hear about instances of mail theft, either in your neighborhood or on the news.  Ordering gifts and mailing cards can become a stressful endeavor for both consumers and recipients of mail.  If you’ve ever been a victim of mail theft, chances are you felt invaded and frustrated at the fact that it happened.  Your time becomes personally impacted as you try and figure out who needs to be contacted regarding a missing or stolen package, and there’s also a worry that more than just consumer goods were taken – that identity theft may have occurred, if your personally identifiable information was also compromised during the mail theft incident.

If you’re someone who mails packages, gift cards, or orders goods online for delivery, here are a few mail theft prevention tips to consider.

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"What's that noise?" Car Repairs or New Car?

A few years back, I shared a story about a car that our free car-buying service, Auto Expert, helped me find and purchase.  My car goals today are similar to what they were back in 2011.  I was looking for a used vehicle that was economical and had a price tag that wouldn’t make me wince every month when the payment was due.  Beyond those two items, I didn’t much care what else made up the car.

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