My mother once asked me, “If all my friends jumped off a bridge would I do the same thing?” Being the snarky teenager I was my response was a sarcastic, “I probably would.” Years later as an adult (not two weeks ago) I actually did jump off a bridge because all of my friends did it. Since I am here to tell the tale it means things did not end badly, but my first time bungee jumping was almost entirely because of peer pressure. In our youth, peer pressure affects us differently. It is often direct pressure to do a particular thing. Once we have grown up, it often comes in a more subtle form.
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Money Value of Time
Thursday, February 12, 2015
In my Finance 101 class, my teacher taught us about the time value of money, also known as “present discounted value.” The general concept is this: the money in your change jar is worth more today than it will be tomorrow because it has opportunity to earn that extra day of interest. The time value of money is, for example, why the government loves sending you a tax refund. They know that you’ve loaned them free money each month, so any interest they gained could have been yours.
Inner Circle - January
Thursday, January 29, 2015
2015… Preserve the Core, Stimulate Progress
A CU, Whenever and Wherever
Monday, January 26, 2015
Neuroscience and Spending
Tuesday, January 20, 2015