The scenarios below are all too real and common. Unfortunately, check scams are still a popular way for fraudsters to win and their victims to lose. Often times that loss becomes more than just about money.
How to Spot a Check Scam
Idaho Wisdom
Idaho Wisdom
How my first car loan experience was a piece of cake
After living in L.A. for two years without a car and utilizing the Metro day in and day out, I was ready to purchase a car of my own again and regain my independence. And, before I continue, thank you Metro – you were wonderful during my time of need and I was never once late for my workday at Logix! As I approached my car buying decision, it was clear that I had a few hurdles to overcome: I had only ever owned a used car that I bought outright for $3000 or less, I barely had any money to use as a down payment, I liked the idea of a car loan, but quite frankly, monthly car payments scared me, and what the heck would I purchase?
Forever is a Long Long Time
The biggest complaint many people have about sticking to a personal budget is the idea of “forever.” It seems easy to skip their barista-coffee and stick with homebrewed for a day, but to never ever again in their lives taste the rich, creamy, alluring flavor of the exceptionally expensive coffee seems too much to bear.